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How we started


The business concept, Mace Case, came about when we were discussing the safety concerns within the county of San Bernardino and its high percentage of assaults. We knew that a form of self-defense was our top priority. A former student of our instructor conducted a study that exhibited 8/10 Millennials carry their phone in public. The students knew that the majority of this generation carry their phones while looking at them leaving them distracted. That’s when we decided to integrate the idea of providing safety and convenience with a product that can be held within the palm of your hand.

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Here at Mace Case, providing protection and a form of security to consumers when feeling in danger, threatened, or vulnerable is a mission we are sworn to accomplish. Not only to provide protection but to reduce the number of assaults nationwide. Our consumers will have peace of mind knowing that they bear defense in the palm of their hand.



“...there is NO PRICE when it comes to being SAFE.”


“We want to assist with safety, not deter consumers from safety.”


"Protect your space is a goal of our company.”

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